- Post-mortem changes begin immediately. For best results, dead animals should be necropsied as soon as possible after death. If feasible, refrigerate animals until necropsy.
- The best specimen for submission is a recently euthanized untreated animal that exhibited typical clinical signs.
- Note: The VMDL does NOT accept live animals for necropsy (excluding avian/poultry). Euthanasia may be performed by the referring veterinarian, or an appointment may be scheduled with the appropriate service at the Veterinary Health Center.
- If experiencing a herd or flock health issue, submitting more than one animal will facilitate diagnosis.
- Provide a thorough history on the submission form, including a description of clinical signs and any treatments/drugs the animal received ante-mortem.
- Indicate preferred method for disposing of remains.
- If the whole animal cannot be submitted, collect and preserve specimens for histopathological examination. See Histopathology.