VMDL co-sponsors transmissible spongiform encephalopathy wet lab with MDA/USDA

In conjunction with the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association annual conference, a wet lab was held at Mizzou’s Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory to train veterinarians and veterinary students to collect specimens for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, Scrapie, CWD) testing. Attendees were provided a didactic lecture followed by hands-on training with cadaver heads from white tailed deer, sheep and cattle. Veterinarians with the Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) and USDA demonstrated the proper technique. The wet lab was well attended and well received. We look forward to future collaborations with our friends at the MDA and USDA.
VMDL faculty and staff attend annual MVMA conference in Columbia

Many VMDL faculty and staff participated in the 2025 MVMA conference held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri, Jan. 30 through Feb. 2. In addition to our regular VMDL booth in the exhibit hall, the One Health Lab offered attendees blood draws for Rabies titer checks. Our own Dr. Susan Moore spoke on “Rabies- History in the United States.” We look forward to seeing you all again next year!
Disease mapping initiative
Drs. Loren Schultz and Shuping Zhang have initiated a disease mapping program. The goal of this program is to create a searchable tool to analyze diagnostic data generated by the VMDL and stored in VMDL’s LIMS (VetView). This program will allow us to depict the prevalence of animal diseases and help to formulate disease control strategies in Missouri. Below is a brief report on anaplasmosis.